Farmers Mutual FAQ

Homeowners and Dwelling Owners Changes effective 4/1/2023

1. Why is Farmers Mutual Making These Changes?

Claims costs have escalated significantly in recent years due to market conditions including inflation, supply chain challenges, severe weather patterns and aggressive vendor pricing. Rather than relying solely on premium increases to address higher claim costs, Farmers Mutual is initiating changes to the Windstorm and Hail deductibles and coverage for cosmetic loss to metal construction materials. These changes were implemented as part of their commitment
to providing products that are responsive to your needs and keeping the premiums as affordable as possible.

2. Will my wind and hail deductible change?

Wind and Hail deductibles will be targeted to the deductible amount that is at least 1% of the Coverage A (Dwelling) limit, with a minimum wind and hail deductible of $2,000.  Please review your homeowners or dwelling owners renewal for your wind and hail deductible.

3. Can I buy-down the wind and hail deductible?

 No buy-down option is available.

4. If my current policy has replacement cost coverage on the roof surface, will my
policy renew with replacement cost coverage?


5. If my current policy has the Actual Cash Value Roof Settlement Agreement, how
will it change at renewal?

The Roof Surfaces Payment Schedule will replace the Actual Cash Value Roof Settlement Agreement. Farmers Mutual has provided, or will provide, information on this change as well as the Roof Surfaces Payment Schedule in your renewal policy mailing.

6. Cosmetic Loss Exclusion

A new cosmetic loss exclusion on exterior metal or metal alloy construction materials on your dwelling and other structures will go into effect on your policy’s renewal date. Cosmetic loss consists of alteration in appearance caused by windstorm or hail that does not result in the penetration of water through the metal or metal alloy construction materials. Functional damage to these materials is covered. You have the option to purchase coverage for cosmetic loss to four different classes of metal or metal alloy construction products.

7. What are the four categories of cosmetic loss buyback coverage that Farmers
Mutual is offering and what do they cover?

  • Metal Gutter Systems Includes gutters, gutter covers, and gutter downspouts
    Metal Wall Surface Components Includes awnings, fascia, flashings, siding, soffits, and trim
    Metal Door Components Includes casings, claddings, frames, hardware, moldings, panels, slabs, and trim
    Metal Window Components Includes casings, cladding, frames, hardware, moldings, sashes, and trim.

Please contact your local FNIC office if you are interested in quotes on any or all of these cosmetic loss buyback coverages.

8. Do these changes apply to both my dwelling and other structures?

Yes, the wind and hail deductible and the cosmetic loss exclusion apply to both. If you wish to buy back cosmetic loss coverage in any or all of these categories, it will apply to both your dwelling and other structures.

9. Are there any additional discounts that may be available?

Yes. Farmers Mutual has added Renovated Home Credit. This applies to Electrical, Heating and Plumbing renovations. Local county inspection, local building inspector’s final permit, or itemized invoice will be required.

Please confirm that the roof year is listed correctly on your policy. 

This page is for informational purposes only. For complete details, refer to the Farmers Mutual notice and your renewal policy. If you would like to discuss the changes, please contact your local FNIC office.

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